CEresearchNRW: Digital Twins in the Circular Economy

On 07.10.2021, the 15th web seminar of the CEresearchNRW network took place within the Prosperkolleg event series “Circular October”. Around 40 participants discussed with the speakers Anna Preut and Saban Ünlü how the digital twin can drive the Circular Economy.

Circular Economy in the skilled trades

The scarcity of resources affects the skilled trades in particular and requires a rethink. Thus, the Circular Economy is already shaping everyday operations in the skilled trades in a variety of ways and is likely to do so even more in the future.

Company network: Circular approaches in the furniture industry

For the second time, entrepreneurs came together virtually to learn new things about circular business models and to engage in conversation.

Kick-off of the business network on the Circular Economy took place

On July 8, the newly created business network of the Prosperkolleg was launched, in which the participants exchange information on the topic of Circular Economy. Dominique Pfeiffer provided exciting insights into the strategy of Philips Medical Systems.

CEresearchNRW: Environmental Psychology & Commercial Upcycling

On May 06, 2021, Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) and Prof. Dr. Monika Imschloß (Leuphana University Lüneburg) were guests at the CEresearchNRW Network web seminar to talk about their research on environmental psychology and sustainable consumption research, especially commercial upcycling.

CEresearchNRW: Circular Value Creation from a Corporate Perspective

The web seminar of the Virtual Research Network CEreserachNRW in April dealt with the topic “Circular value creation from a company perspective – gap between science and practice?”. Constanze Schweizer, CEO of sapor GmbH, reported on your efforts to act circularly, your successes, but also on the challenges to distribute circular products.

CEresearchNRW: The Promotion of Sustainable Industrial Parks and the Desire for Industrial Symbiosis

The tenth web seminar of the Virtual Research Network Circular Value Creation NRW (CEreserachNRW) dealt with the potentials and challenges of sustainable industrial estates and the endeavor to create industrial symbioses.

CEresearchNRW: Users:inside at the center of sustainable product development

The last web seminar in 2020 was held under the motto “Mind the User – User:inside centricity as a success factor in sustainable product and service innovations”. The event began with a presentation on the topic of “Users:inside at the center of sustainable product and service innovations” by Daniela Kattwinkel and Dr. Michael Herzog (both Ruhr University Bochum).