Anna-Katharina Jung Zirkuläre Bauwirtschaft Im Zentrum des 39. Webseminars der Reihe #CEresearchNRW stand am 5.12.2024 die zirkuläre Bauwirtschaft. Die Expert*innen Daniela Gutberlet von der Westfälischen Hochschule und Jan-Philip Kopka vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML beleuchteten aus zahlreichen Blickwinkeln, welchen Hürden sich die Baubranche gegenübersieht. Sie diskutierten aktuelle Lösungsansätze und die tragende Rolle der …
Kategorie-Archive: CEresearch
Metalloberflächen & die Circular Economy
Seit April 2024 wird die Webseminarreihe #CEresearchNRW unter dem Dach des Projekts “Circular Performer Emscher-Lippe” (CirPEL) fortgeführt. Dieses Mal hatten wir die Gelegenheit, den CirPEL-Projektleiter Raphael Lüke einzuladen, um die Ziele und Ideen des Projekts vorzustellen. Anschließend widmete sich das 38. Webseminar dem Thema Oberflächentechnik zum Schutz von Metallen. Dino Woelk, Promotionsstudent an der Westfälischen Hochschule und Mitarbeiter bei RS Rittel in Gladbeck präsentierte dabei spannende Erkenntnisse zu Recyclingprozessen bei Cermet-Schichten.
CEresearchNRW: The EU Circular Economy Action Plan – Electronics & ICT, Batteries & Vehicles?
Event of the research network CEresearchNRW on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and circularity in textiles.
CEresearchNRW: The EU Circular Economy Action Plan – circular textiles?
Event of the research network CEresearchNRW on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and circularity in textiles.
CEresearchNRW: The EU Circular Economy Action Plan – circular construction?
Event of the research network CEresearchNRW on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and circularity in the construction industry.
CEresearchNRW: The EU Circular Economy Action Plan – Research and Practice in NRW?
Event of the research network CEresearchNRW on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and its importance for research and practice in NRW.
Web Seminars on the EU Circular Economy Action Plan
Prosperkolleg event series on the thematic areas and sectors of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
CEresearchNRW: Digital Twins in the Circular Economy
On 07.10.2021, the 15th web seminar of the CEresearchNRW network took place within the Prosperkolleg event series “Circular October”. Around 40 participants discussed with the speakers Anna Preut and Saban Ünlü how the digital twin can drive the Circular Economy.
CEresearchNRW: Living Labs – Innovation Spaces for Sustainability and Circularity?
On 01.07.2021 in the 14th web seminar of the CEresearchNRW network, everything revolved around the topic of Living Labs, with the question of whether these are innovation spaces for more sustainability and circularity. Julius Piwowar as well as Dr. Johanna Meurer and Michael Ahmadi accepted the invitation as speakers:in the research network and presented excerpts of their research work.
CEresearchNRW: Environmental Psychology & Commercial Upcycling
On May 06, 2021, Prof. Dr. Ellen Matthies (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) and Prof. Dr. Monika Imschloß (Leuphana University Lüneburg) were guests at the CEresearchNRW Network web seminar to talk about their research on environmental psychology and sustainable consumption research, especially commercial upcycling.